Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Hi everyone! I'm just starting a new blog. Please keep in touch because I will be posting lots of cool stuff about myself, my family, and of course sports!


  1. Hey Jay-Digiddy-Dog. You are awesome that you have a blog! I can't wait to get minute to minute updates on your life:)! HOWEVER, I am Mad at you for not putting me on your friends list! JK. But you better get me on there fast. I am going to be your first follower. Love you J-Diggidy.

  2. haha I beat grandma! I'm glad you started a blog Jaydan that's pretty cool. I will be checking often so make sure to update it k? I love you so much and am so proud of you for being such a great kid.
    ps I love that pic of you running with the football ;)
    Aunt Nikki ;)

  3. I can't wait to see and hear about ur life....and to keep me updated with my all-star rockstar athlete nephew!

  4. Hey Jaydan, that is so cool that you have your own blog:) I will check it out all the time for updates. I'm so proud of you. You're such a great BIG brother to your sisters, a great son to your parents, great student at school, great athelete, a great #1 grandson to grandpa and I, and just an all-around great kid and I love you sooooooo much!!!! Happy blogging:)

  5. Hey J-Dog! We miss you so much! Jon is right here and sais hi! He cant wait to come watch you play sports. Hope your doing good in school my favorite nephew! I'm so glad you have a blog so we can talk! Love you cant wait to see more of your blog.

  6. i love you to and thanx for kepping in tuch
